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Common Ports Cheatsheet

24th of September, 2024

A port is a virtual point where network connections start and end. TCP and UDP protocols make the connections, recompile data packages after the transfer, and then deliver them to applications on the recipient's device, and, for that handover to work, the OS must install and open the gateway for the transfer.

Ports are 16-bit numerical values raning from 0 to 65535.

Fundamentally, a port is a logical form to identify system activities or various network services used to create local or network-based communications. Here is a cheatsheet with essential ports:

Service Port number Transport protocol Summary
Echo 7 TCP, UDP Testing reachability, debugging software, identifying routing issues
FTP 20 TCP File Transfer Protocol - data transfer
FTP 21 TCP, UDP File Transfer Protocol - establish a session/control connection
SSH/SCP 22 TCP Secure Shell - remote terminal communication; secure logins; secure file transfers (SCP)
Telnet 23 TCP Remote console access; in the clear
SMTP 25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - email routing between mail servers
DNS 53 TCP, UDP Domain Name System - name to IP resolver; TCP used for very large data transfers
DHCP 67/68 UDP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - dynamic IP address allocation
TFTP 69 UDP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
HTTP 80 TCP, UDP Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP 1.x and 2 use TCP, while HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport protocol on top of UDP
Kerberos 88 TCP, UDP Network authentication system
POP3 110 TCP Post Office Protocol, version3
NTP 123 UDP Network Time Protocol - configure and synchronize time across devices
NetBIOS 137/139 TCP, UDP NetBIOS Name Service - used for name registration and resolution; NetBIOS Session Service
IMAP4 143 TCP, UDP Internet Message Access Protocol - management of electronic mail messages on a server
SNMP 161/162 UDP Simple Network Management Protocol - 162 used for SNMP trap
LDAP 389 TCP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - centralized database
HTTPS 443 TCP, UDP Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure over TSL/SSL
SMB (CIFS) 445 TCP Server Message Block (Common Internet File System) - similar to FTP, but also allows you to share devices like printers
Kerberos 464 TCP, UDP Kerberos Change/Set password
SMTP over SSL 465 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol encrypted over SSL
Syslog 514 UDP Devices send logs to a central repository, like a SIEM
SMTP over TLS 587 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol encrypted over TLS
LDAPS 636 TCP, UDP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol over TLS/SSL
FTPS 989 TCP, UDP FTPS Protocol (data), FTP over TLS/SSL
FTPS 990 TCP, UDP FTPS Protocol (control), FTP over TLS/SSL
IMAP4 over SSL/TLS 993 TCP Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS)
POP3 over SSL/TLS 995 TCP, UDP Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL
OpenVPN 1194 TCP, UDP OpenVPN
Microsoft SQL Server 1433/1434 TCP Microsoft SQL Server database system
Oracle SQL Net 1521 TCP Protocol used by Oracle SQL servers to execute SQL commands from clients
Oracle DB 2483 TCP, UDP Oracle database listening for insecure client connections to the listener, replaces port 1521
Oracle DB 2484 TCP, UDP Oracle database listening for SSL client connections to the listener
MySQL 3306 TCP MySQL database management system
RDP 3389 TCP Remote Desktop Protocol - remote shared desktop view
SIP 5060/5061 TCP Session Initiation Protocol - set up, tear down, set parameters for phone call; VoIP
PostgreSQL 5432 TCP PostgreSQL database system
IRC 6665/6669 TCP Internet Relay Chat

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